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Five Affordable World Travel Destinations

Article by C.J.Gustafson

<h1 style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span style=”font-weight: normal; font-family: Times New Roman; mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”><font size=”4″>LocationsThat Offer More But Cost Less</font></span></h1><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span style=”FONT-SIZE: 7.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana”> </span>

<p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span style=”mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>Soyou want to travel the world but you have a tight budget?<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Are you tired of reading about everyone else’s exotic adventures andready to have some of your own?<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>Haveyou always wanted to take an international vacation but thought you couldn’tafford it?<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>There are numeroustravel destinations across the world that are both exciting and affordable.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Five of them are described here to give you ideas and get you startedplanning your own getaway.</font></span><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span style=”mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>Thereare two ways to approach affordable vacations to distant destinations.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Either you will save money getting there or the savings will occur onceyou arrive at your selected spot.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>Ifyou want the trip there to be affordable, many travel consolidators recommendchoosing well-known destinations that are served by numerous airlines andreceive millions of travelers each year.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>Thecompetition for customers usually drives costs down for everything from lodgingto tour packages.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>Airfares betweenmajor hubs tend to be more affordable and there are often plenty of discountsand last minute travel deals.</font></span><h2 style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span style=”FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Times New Roman’; mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”>London</span></h2><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span style=”mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>InEurope, London is a top pick for affordable vacation destinations, for theseexact reasons.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>Not only do you havemore flights to choose from, they are cheaper than if you flew to a more remotelocation.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>On average, staying inLondon may be a bit more expensive than other European destinations, but theseemingly endless choices in hotels, restaurants, transportation, tours, andother travel essentials gives travels opportunities to mold their vacation tofit their budgets.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>And you can useLondon as your home base to set out on day trips to other more exotic locationsor buy a Eurorail pass and see those more remote countries without the expenseof flying there.</font></span><h2 style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span style=”FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Times New Roman’; mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”>Playadel Carmen, Mexico</span></h2><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span style=”mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>Thistheory also works well for traveling in the Caribbean.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Belize is an appealing destination, with wonderful Caribbean beaches anda lush tropic setting, but since it has only recently emerged as a populartravel destination, it is more expensive than Cancun, Jamaica or otherwell-traveled locations along the Mayan Riviera.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>With fewer flights, getting there is more expensive, and there are fewmoderate lodging options.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Developmentof larger luxury resorts have begun to boom, but the only real alternative forthose on a budget is staying in local facilities that may be hard to locate fromhome and may be more rustic than most travelers are willing to try.</font></span><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span style=”mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>Althoughthere are many options for affordable vacations in the Caribbean, an excellentpick is Playa del Carmen, Mexico.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>Accessiblevia flights to Cancun, which are often some of the cheapest in the region, Playais just a half hour away.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>It isfilled with a multitude of lodging choices, from expansive luxury resorts on theocean to quaint but clean hotels downtown.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>From Playa, travelers can branch out and visit Tulum and other locationson the Mayan Riviera or take the ferry across to the island of Cozumel wheresnorkeling is prime and the attractions are many.</font></span><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span style=”mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>ForAsian destinations, travelers often do better to focus on saving money once theyget to their destination.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Dependingon your country of origin, getting to just about any spot in Asia is going to bea sizable chunk of your travel budget.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>Thedifference will come from the cost of lodging, food, entertainment and othertravel expenditures once you arrive.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Bychoosing destinations where you get the most for your money, you can save agreat deal on your international vacation.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>A drink or dinner in Tokyo will cost you many times more than what itwould in Saigon.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>The key here is togo where your dollars buy you more and where the local cost of living is low.</font></span><h2 style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span style=”FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Times New Roman’; mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”>TiomanIsland</span></h2><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″><span style=”mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”>Anaffordable yet exotic choice for Asia is Malaysia and specifically TiomanIsland, knows as the </span>mythical ‘Bali Hai’ from the film ‘South Pacific.'<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Tioman Island is located at the southern end of the east coast ofMalaysia on the South China Sea. Its sandy beaches, bordered by lush jungles andstunning mountains make it a relaxing yet intriguing destination, ideal for sunlovers, snorkelers and divers.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>Theisland also has many villages for exploring and shopping.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span><span style=”mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”>English is widely spoken and therates are amazingly affordable, with a two night lodging package for a suite ata lovely oceanside resort averaging around 100 U.S. dollars.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Typically visitors reach the island via the speed ferry from themainland.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Although the trip cantake over two hours, it is enjoyable and provides opportunities for dolphinwatching along the way.</span></font><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”> <h2 style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span style=”FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Times New Roman’; mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”>BuenosAires</span></h2><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″><span style=”mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”>SouthAmerica also has many destinations that are affordable because of the savingsonce you arrive.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Locales like </span><span class=”bodytext”>Riode Janeiro in Brazil, the areas top destination, are coming down in price butare still more expensive than cities such as Buenos Aires in Argentina, wherethe rates are lower and the U.S. dollar goes further.</span></font><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”> <p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span class=”bodytext”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>Ahuge metropolis that is more European than South American, the city has much tooffer including cultural events, thriving nightlife, shopping, local sports, anda host of tours and excursions.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>LaBoca, with its street performers, shops, and unique architecture is a bigtourist draw.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>The large number ofchoices for lodging, restaurants, and activities provides opportunities forbudget travel and savings. Airfare to the city is relatively reasonable for aninternational destination, with discount fares from the U.S. averaging around0 round trip.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>Buenos Aires mightnot be one of the most exotic or inspiring destinations in South America, but itis a city that everyone should see at least once, and with some of the mostaffordable rates and fares around, it makes the list as a top South Americandestination.</font></span><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”> <h3 style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span class=”bodytext”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>LasVegas</font></span></h3><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span class=”bodytext”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>Thelist would not be complete without a North American destination, and the champof all affordable locales is Las Vegas.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>Ittoo is a city that should be seen at least once, and many world travelers returnagain and again for the gaming, art, shows and people watching that just can’tbe found anywhere else.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Closeenough to other top U.S. attractions like the Grand Canyon, Vegas provides otheroptions for those who have had their fill of casinos.</font></span><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span class=”bodytext”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″> </font></span><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span class=”bodytext”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>Thecity has long been known for its cheap vacation packages with hotels and resortsthat offer discount rates for rooms, meals and entertainment in hopes ofattracting people to their gaming tables.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Airfarerates into Vegas are some of the most reasonable in the United States, no matterthe origination destination.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Andwith more than 100,000 hotel rooms to choose from, there is sure to be a lodgingchoice that fits your budget.</font></span><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″> </font><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>Theworld provides hundreds of affordable travel destinations.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>With all the options available, there is no excuse to put off thatlife-long desire to travel to exotic places at the far ends of the earth.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>Destinations can be researched on the Internet or yourtravelconsolidator can makerecommendations and help with locating cheapinternational airfare and lodging rates that fit your budget.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>Sowhat are you waiting for?<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”>  </span>Get outthere and explore the world. </font><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt” align=”left”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″> </font><h1 style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><span style=”FONT-SIZE: 12pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt”><font face=”Verdana”>Aboutthe Author</font></span></h1><p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”><font face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>C.J.Gustafson is a freelance writer and photographer who travels extensively forwork and family vacations.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes”> </span>A cheapskate by nature and necessity, she is always on the lookout for bargain travel deals and affordable vacation destinations. </font><font size=”2″>© 2004</font><font size=”2″>You may reprint this article on your website only if links are kept intact.</font>

About the Author


Five Cool Things To Try On Your Gap Year

Article by Harriet Williams

Travelling around the world brings a whole host of new opportunities. This is your time to make the most of it and try all those new things you’ve been itching your whole life to try. Stuck for ideas? How about giving some of these ideas a spin on your backpacker travels?


Been listening to the Beach Boys for a large part of your life and dreaming of distant shores and surfer boys and girls? Give surfing a try in the warm waters of Australia or Indonesia. Bali is the perfect place to get started with easy breaking waves and plenty of classes and instructors offering relatively inexpensive lessons. Surfing is also a great way to keep your fit on your gap year. A great way to counteract all those beers!

White Water Rafting

How about cranking those new activities you try up a few notches? Get extreme with a spot of white water rafting, just make sure you get insurance that covers you accordingly and please, please, please don’t forget to wear a helmet! India is a great, and rather unusual, place to try it. Check out the many raft companies that offer packages along the Ganges. A great way to meet and hang out with people too.

Bungee Jumping

Granted, tethering yourself to a really big elastic band doesn’t sound too appealing, but experiencing the sensation of a free fall drop is high on anyone’s do-before-you-die list. New Zealand is home to some of the world’s largest bungee sites and offers anyone looking for the ultimate gap year thrill food for thought at least. Don’t be surprised if you need a bit of a push off the ledge either.


If extreme sports and activities really aren’t your thing there’s still plenty of low-impact, relaxing activities out there. Cruising down a river with a bottle of beer lounging in a large inflatable rubber ring may sound a bit odd, but is a hugely popular gap year activity in the Southeast Asian country of Laos. Imagine a Disneyland ride but a little more unpredictable and a lot more alcohol.


A lot of people go to India in hope of a spiritual experience or, at the very least, to eat some very decent curry. Yoga, however, might be something you want to try to blow off some steam, improve your flexibility and simply just to relax. India is the yoga capital of the world and offers plenty of retreats and courses for you try on your gap year.

About the Author

Harriet Williams is an avid traveller and travel writer, who particularly likes writing about gap year travel.

Ubud, Bali, Property Investment: Five Great Reasons Why Ubud Real Estate Will Grow in Value

Article by Glen Allison

Bali is one of the worlds’ most sought after tourist destinations. Its unique ancient Hindu culture is rich with elaborate religious ceremonies and processions that occur almost daily.

Five Great Reasons for Property Investment in Ubud:

1. Ubud is the art and dance cultural center of Bali. Located in the center of the island-state, this small village is one of Bali’s three primary tourist areas. Ubud thrives on a steady, dynamic level of tourism that stimulates a fast growing real estate business climate for both commercial and residential properties. Bali’s stable provincial government is democratically elected and encourages an open and welcoming business climate since economic growth adds greater tax revenues that permit new and ongoing development projects. The government’s ever increasing investment in infrastructure stimulates even more foreign investment and the implementation of new business standards and regulations underpin long-term economic success strategies that point to sustained growth in coming decades. Even during the recent global economic crisis, Indonesia maintained approximately a 6% growth rate. This burgeoning economic giant in the region was little influenced by the downtrend, primarily because the Indonesian financial system doesn’t function as a credit-based economy. Most foreign investment in real estate is on a cash basis. Today property values maintain a steadily increasing growth curve and the investment value of property in Ubud continues to augment because of the town’s popularity amongst tourists and locals alike.

2. Ubud, a quaint little village of only 8000 people, is a magical place. In 2009 it was rated “Best City in Asia” by readers of the US-based luxury magazine Conde Nast Traveler. Ubud dethroned Bangkok as the best Asian city. Bangkok had held the top spot since the category debuted in 2004. Ubud also beat out several other key travel destinations–Hong Kong, Shanghai and even Tokyo–all major contenders for the prestigious award. Ubud’s validation by Conde Nast Traveler as being “The Friendliest Town of All” is just one of many aspects that will most likely boost property and business values in the area for years to come. On a side note for connoisseurs, Cathay Pacific’s Inflight Magazine, named the martinis at Naughty Nuri’s restaurant in Ubud as being one of the top five best in all Asia.

3. Adding to Ubud’s media frenzy buzz, the town was prominently featured in the wildly popular, global best-selling book, “Eat, Pray, Love,” which remained on the New York Times Best Seller List for a staggering 187 weeks. Oprah Winfrey devoted two full episodes of her show to discuss the book’s success, which was soon followed by a Hollywood movie of the same name starring Julia Roberts, who won the 2001 Academy Award for Best Actress. Ubud’s recent accolades have intensified global investment interest in the town, which continues to show strongly augmenting revenues in the tourism sector of its economy. Property values and land rental rates for restaurants, shops, residences and hotels continue to skyrocket, which has stimulated even more interest in private real estate investment.

4. Notwithstanding the attraction of Bali’s rich ceremonial culture and its lush tropical environment, one contributing factor to the island’s dynamic rate of tourism growth is its low cost of travel expense when compared to high-key Western destinations in the States and in Europe or even in the nearby Southeast Asian cities of Singapore and Hong Kong. Indonesia’s average per capita income is approximately US per day across much of the country and per capita income for workers in Bali typically is less than five dollars per day. Such low cost greatly reduces construction expense for new projects and the cost for staff once the projects are completed. This factor becomes highly attractive for not only foreign commercial real estate ventures but for private property investment as well. Retirees seeking exotic locales for retirement often place high-value-for-money-spent as a primary investment concern.

5. Living in Ubud has its rewards. Since the town is located in the center of the island at a higher elevation than the over-crowded beach areas further south, the temperature is several degrees cooler. And there’s a bit more rain in Ubud, which generally is of short duration, that nurtures the nearby verdant rice terraces–some of the most dramatic on the island. Ubud’s rich cultural heritage in art and dance has fostered a vibrant expat community of countless individuals involved in the creative arts, many as working professionals. The magic draw of Ubud has triggered the opening of numerous art galleries, fine dining establishments and five-star hotel accommodations. Many foreign investors seek property investment opportunities in Ubud to capitalize on Bali’s lucrative tourist industry by tapping into the luxury holiday rental villa sector.

Ubud’s vibrant residential real estate market has spawned some of Bali’s most innovative architectural designs, many that incorporate structures rising from infinity-edged reflecting pools. The concept blends unique contemporary design with the traditional Balinese “alang alang” thatched roof. The climate is temperate all year long so glass-enclosed, open-air rooms can invite nature inside in an often striking juxtaposition of elements.

Today’s Ubud seems to have captured the most exotic aspects of Bali’s rich cultural heritage while it keeps abreast with the future. It surely has captivated the world’s attention.

Copyright © Glen Allison ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

About the Author

Visual artist Glen Allison has resided in Bali for five years. The architectural design of his Bali Lotus Villa in Ubud presents a spectacular impression with six inverted pyramid-shaped structures rising from 21 levels of water in a private botanical oasis. He chose Ubud for its high property investment potential and its lush tropical environs.

Five Tips For Booking Online Discount Hotels In Bali

Article by Tina

Holiday destinations like Bali can make your holiday a memorable one. Bali is an Indonesian Island located in between the islands of Java and Lombok. The scenic beauty in the backdrops of natural ambiance like rice paddies, volcanic mountains, lush tropical forests, and fascinating beaches surround the city. If you want to explore the diversity of culture, natural beauty, and the Balinese society, then come to Bali.

In Bali, beach lovers will definitely enjoy the white sandy beaches and warm crystal clear water of the Indian Ocean. Apart from these there are many attractive colourful events that take place in Bali. So, to indulge yourself to its interesting happening events what you need is to fix a perfect hotel to stay. If you are looking for discount Bali hotel then undoubtedly you can find such cheap hotels which are pocket and budget friendly.

Before you select a hotel just keep in mind these below mentioned five tips for booking discount Bali hotels.

1. Make a search on the internet search options by selecting a proper keyword relating booking discount Bali hotels online. A few best search options must to mention here are,,,, etc.

2. Get confirm about the relevancy and authenticity of the websites which display the search result of booking cheap Bali hotels. For that you can do some research works like domain age. Domain age is nothing but the lease period of that particular website. The trusted website always has a domain age of at least 2 years. If a website offers online booking then you must check whether it has secure SSL service or not. SSL gives you the authenticity and protects you from being victimised by internet frauds.

3. Then search the hotel map and see the location and availability. Location can be determined through encyclopedia or Google maps. You can also search by location and preferred language. For that, you can make changes in settings, every search facilty has there own settings. 4. Some of the hotel booking sites promises many facilities and offers. Check them whether they are true or not by browsing the particular hotel website. Always compare the discount hotels rates as every hotel has their own discount offers. Also never forget to check the hotel reviews and facilities. Hotel reviews are very popular way to find out about the hotel and its adeptness’s.

5. Don’t be hurry in selecting discount hotels for you need a little research work because it is advisable to compare and contrast the rates of the hotels which are offering discountable rates. By doing these you can get the lowest discount rate hotels and on the same time reliable as well.

The aforementioned tips can be a useful advice for the travelers and definitely these five tips for booking discount Bali hotels can minimize the worries and hurries of a budget traveler.

About the Author

Discount Bali Hotels can be booked easily through disrooms online hotel reservations services. It offers thousands of cheap and discount hotels worldwide. Comprehensive lists of hotels and resorts are available with attractive features and pictures.

Top Five Tips for Backpacking in Bali

Article by Raymond Horsfall

Congratulations, you’ve packed your bags and booked your tickets. You’re just about to step out the door, wave goodbye and embark on your Bali travel. But are you ready? Before you set off on your backpacking trip, make sure you’ve completed the following tasks on this last minute checklist.

Be Prepared: The better prepared you are, the safer and more enjoyable your travel will be. If you’re travelling in an organised group, find out what arrangements have been made for you and what arrangements you need to make for yourself. Do some research on your destination and prepare the necessary documentation.Travel Insurance: This is very important. You are strongly advised to take out comprehensive travel insurance. Is it too expensive? Can’t afford it? If you’ve said yes to these two questions, you cannot afford to travel. Accidents happen. You should not base your decision to take out insurance on the assumption that “it will not happen to me”.Passport and Visa: Make sure these are valid and up to date.Who are backpackers? According to the dictionary, a backpacker is a person who hikes with a backpack. To most people, backpackers are independent travellers on a tight budget. Seeing that backpackers have a tight budget to keep, here are five tips for backpacking in Bali.

Top Five Tips for Backpacking in Bali

Sleep Cheap: There is no lack of cheap accommodation in Bali. These affordable yet comfortable hostels and motels dot the coastline and can be found in the city as well. You can sleep in a private room and one with a view no less for as little as ! With such a good range of hostels, you can forget about the expensive international chain of hotels.Eat Local: As tempting as they may be, try not to fall for “big Aussie breakfasts” in Bali. They may remind you of home but they can cost as much as your accommodation – ! Eat at local food stalls instead. It is worth taking the time to venture out to the back roads to look for local warungs. These are “semi-restaurants” that serve dishes you would find in restaurants at a fraction of the price. The names of these places usually begin with “warung”.Take a Walk: The best way to get around Bali is on foot. If your next destination is not within walking distance, take a public bus or minivan. These options are way cheaper than the transportation offered by travel agencies. The most reliable bus company with the widest network is Perama. Another option is the ojek. This is an informal type of transport where local bikers ferry you to your destination on their motorcycles. It is a cheap, fast and fun way of getting around.One for the Road: Travellers buy souvenirs. It is what they do. Just remember that when you are in Bali, don’t buy souvenirs in Kuta or any other tourist area. Head to the central market in Denpensar on the Pasar Sukowati instead. Here, arts and crafts, clothes, paintings and souvenirs are cheaper.Haggle Your Heart Out: Bear in mind that whatever vendors ask for their authentic, mass-produced Balinese paraphernalia, it is the price they hope you’ll pay for it. The rule of thumb is to pay what you think it’s worth to you. Yes you should haggle but try not to go overboard. These sellers are also trying to make a living.

About the Author

Congratulations, you’ve packed your bags and booked your tickets. You’re just about to step out the door, wave goodbye and embark on your Bali travel. But are you ready? Before you set off on your backpacking trip, make sure you’ve completed the following tasks on this last minute checklist.

Top Five Tips for Backpacking in Bali

Congratulations, you’ve packed your bags and booked your tickets. You’re just about to step out the door, wave goodbye and embark on your Bali travel. But are you ready? Before you set off on your backpacking trip, make sure you’ve completed the following tasks on this last minute checklist.

Be Prepared: The better prepared you are, the safer and more enjoyable your travel will be. If you’re travelling in an organised group, find out what arrangements have been made for you and what arrangements you need to make for yourself. Do some research on your destination and prepare the necessary documentation.
Travel Insurance: This is very important. You are strongly advised to take out comprehensive travel insurance. Is it too expensive? Can’t afford it? If you’ve said yes to these two questions, you cannot afford to travel. Accidents happen. You should not base your decision to take out insurance on the assumption that “it will not happen to me”.
Passport and Visa: Make sure these are valid and up to date.

Who are backpackers? According to the dictionary, a backpacker is a person who hikes with a backpack. To most people, backpackers are independent travellers on a tight budget. Seeing that backpackers have a tight budget to keep, here are five tips for backpacking in Bali.

Top Five Tips for Backpacking in Bali

Sleep Cheap: There is no lack of cheap accommodation in Bali. These affordable yet comfortable hostels and motels dot the coastline and can be found in the city as well. You can sleep in a private room and one with a view no less for as little as ! With such a good range of hostels, you can forget about the expensive international chain of hotels.
Eat Local: As tempting as they may be, try not to fall for “big Aussie breakfasts” in Bali. They may remind you of home but they can cost as much as your accommodation — ! Eat at local food stalls instead. It is worth taking the time to venture out to the back roads to look for local warungs. These are “semi-restaurants” that serve dishes you would find in restaurants at a fraction of the price. The names of these places usually begin with “warung”.
Take a Walk: The best way to get around Bali is on foot. If your next destination is not within walking distance, take a public bus or minivan. These options are way cheaper than the transportation offered by travel agencies. The most reliable bus company with the widest network is Perama. Another option is the ojek. This is an informal type of transport where local bikers ferry you to your destination on their motorcycles. It is a cheap, fast and fun way of getting around.
One for the Road: Travellers buy souvenirs. It is what they do. Just remember that when you are in Bali, don’t buy souvenirs in Kuta or any other tourist area. Head to the central market in Denpensar on the Pasar Sukowati instead. Here, arts and crafts, clothes, paintings and souvenirs are cheaper.
Haggle Your Heart Out: Bear in mind that whatever vendors ask for their authentic, mass-produced Balinese paraphernalia, it is the price they hope you’ll pay for it. The rule of thumb is to pay what you think it’s worth to you. Yes you should haggle but try not to go overboard. These sellers are also trying to make a living.


Looking to book holidays to Bali? Then find Bali hotel accommodation, other tourism resources and Bali island tours with Bali Dream Tours. Make online bookings for hotels and villas in Nusa Dua, Jimbaran, Tuban, Seminyak, Ubud, Kuta, Sanur and other areas of Bali by visiting Bali Hotels


Five Reasons Why People Worldwide Interested in Visiting Bali Island

Bali is one of thousand islands in Indonesia South East Asia. Bali is so popular with Bali bombing tragedies that happened on 2002 still interesting to visit. The Bali bombing tragedies make many international facilities, like Hotel, Air Port, big café and night club is keeping with detector. The improvement of Information Communication technology like internet connection, make Bali Island more popular than before. The world wide tourists that come there depend of the season. Europe and American tourist always come on June until July, but Asian tourist interested in coming on August. The domestic tourist more interested in coming on September until December, because the month is full holiday for students so that the parent will follow the situation.

Nyepi is religion day that Bali Island closed to people out side. No light, car passing or store opened. The Balinese will stay at home, no eating, and light. The Ngurah Ray Air Port as International Air port is closed, no departure and arriving passengers.

The Bali bombing by terrorist make bad image and deep impressed to people world wide so that the people decide to build Bali bombing monument at Kute. Australian and American come there to pry for the victims.

Many reasons why people world wide interested in coming to Bali Island,

1.Pure culture.

Bali people follow strong Hinduism. They devote their life to the Hindu religion. You will see many puras when going around there. The Balinese tradition life from birth until death, followed by ceremony. You can see Galungan, Kuningan, Nyepi, ngaben and others ceremony at Bali.

The artist from Bali creates many dances because of soul of art. The statue was created there reflect of Hinduism. You can see the Kecak and Barongsai dance performance from small village until five stars Hotel.

It is not astonished, Balinese never interfered by others culture, although people world wide come there never stopped.

2.Friendly people

Balinese is popular with smiling face. They are always friendly to others and welcome to new comers. You will feel like at your home.

3.Excellent craft

Balinese tend to be artist. They like to paint, carving and make others beautiful craft. You can visit Antonio Blanco Museum, the painter that married to Balinese woman, Sukowati Art market center. You are always followed by craft seller whenever you go. They always beg you to buy the crafts.

4.Beautiful places to visit.

You never have time to rest when you are at Bali. There many interesting places, you should visit. The scenery is so natural, let’s see Nusa dua beach that have International cruise ship, bedugul, Tanpak siring that have president palace. Kute and legian beach with international facilities or Tanah lot, is beach especially for praying.

5.Save to stay

The regency of Bali and Indonesian police try to improve the security Bali after Bali bombing tragedies. Star hotel and café with international reputation with detector facilities.

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Ubud, Bali, Property Investment: Five Great Reasons Why Ubud Real Estate Will Grow in Value

Bali is one of the worlds’ most sought after tourist destinations. Its unique ancient Hindu culture is rich with elaborate religious ceremonies and processions that occur almost daily.

Five Great Reasons for Property Investment in Ubud:

1. Ubud is the art and dance cultural center of Bali. Located in the center of the island-state, this small village is one of Bali’s three primary tourist areas. Ubud thrives on a steady, dynamic level of tourism that stimulates a fast growing real estate business climate for both commercial and residential properties. Bali’s stable provincial government is democratically elected and encourages an open and welcoming business climate since economic growth adds greater tax revenues that permit new and ongoing development projects. The government’s ever increasing investment in infrastructure stimulates even more foreign investment and the implementation of new business standards and regulations underpin long term economic success strategies that point to sustained growth in coming decades. Even during the recent global economic crisis, Indonesia maintained approximately a 6% growth rate. This burgeoning economic giant in the region was little influenced by the downtrend, primarily because the Indonesian financial system doesn’t function as a credit-based economy. Most foreign investment in real estate is on a cash basis. Today property values maintain a steadily increasing growth curve and the investment value of property in Ubud continues to augment because of the town’s popularity amongst tourists and locals alike.

2. Ubud, a quaint little village of only 8000 people, is a magical place. In 2009 it was rated “Best City in Asia” by readers of the US-based luxury magazine Conde Nast Traveler. Ubud dethroned Bangkok as the best Asian city. Bangkok had held the top spot since the category debuted in 2004. Ubud also beat out several other key travel destinations–Hong Kong, Shanghai and even Tokyo–all major contenders for the prestigious award. Ubud’s validation by Conde Nast Traveler as being “The Friendliest Town of All” is just one of many aspects that will most likely boost property and business values in the area for years to come. On a side note for connoisseurs, Cathay Pacific’s Inflight Magazine, named the martinis at Naughty Nuri’s restaurant in Ubud as being one of the top five best in all Asia.

3. Adding to Ubud’s media frenzy buzz, the town was prominently featured in the wildly popular, global best selling book, “Eat, Pray, Love,” which remained on the New York Times Best Seller List for a staggering 187 weeks. Oprah Winfrey devoted two full episodes of her show to discuss the book’s success, which was soon followed by a Hollywood movie of the same name starring Julia Roberts, who won the 2001 Academy Award for Best Actress. Ubud’s recent accolades have intensified global investment interest in the town, which continues to show strongly augmenting revenues in the tourism sector of its economy. Property values and land rental rates for restaurants, shops, residences and hotels continue to skyrocket, which has stimulated even more interest in private real estate investment.

4. Notwithstanding the attraction of Bali’s rich ceremonial culture and its lush tropical environment, one contributing factor to the island’s dynamic rate of tourism growth is its low cost of travel expense when compared to high-key Western destinations in the States and in Europe or even in the nearby Southeast Asian cities of Singapore and Hong Kong. Indonesia’s average per capita income is approximately US per day across much of the country and per capita income for workers in Bali typically is less than five dollars per day. Such low cost greatly reduces construction expense for new projects and the cost for staff once the projects are completed. This factor becomes highly attractive for not only foreign commercial real estate ventures but for private property investment as well. Retirees seeking exotic locales for retirement often place high-value-for-money-spent as a primary investment concern.

5. Living in Ubud has its rewards. Since the town is located in the center of the island at a higher elevation than the over-crowded beach areas further south, the temperature is several degrees cooler. And there’s a bit more rain in Ubud, which generally is of short duration, that nurtures the nearby verdant rice terraces–some of the most dramatic on the island. Ubud’s rich cultural heritage in art and dance has fostered a vibrant expat community of countless individuals involved in the creative arts, many as working professionals. A rich social network already exists in the town and it’s easy to tap into for newcomers. The magic draw of Ubud has triggered the opening of numerous art galleries, fine dining establishments and five-star hotel accommodations. Many foreign investors seek property investment opportunities in Ubud to capitalize on Bali’s lucrative tourist industry by tapping into the luxury holiday rental villa sector.

Ubud’s vibrant residential real estate market has spawned some of Bali’s most innovative architectural designs, many that incorporate structures rising from infinity-edged reflecting pools. The concept blends unique contemporary design with the traditional Balinese “alang alang” thatched roof. The climate is temperate all year long so glass-enclosed, open-air rooms can invite nature inside in an often striking juxtaposition of elements.

Today’s Ubud seems to have captured the most exotic aspects of Bali’s rich cultural heritage while it keeps abreast with the future. It surely has captivated the world’s attention.


Copyright Glen © Allison ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Visual artist Glen Allison has resided in Bali for five years. The architectural design of his Bali Lotus Villa in Ubud presents a spectacular impression with six inverted pyramid-shaped structures rising from 21 levels of water in a private botanical oasis. He chose Ubud for its high property investment potential and its lush tropical environs.

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