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How To Win At Dieting

Article by Phil Tucker

We all want to get into better shape. Many of us dream of regaining that body we enjoyed in our twenties, that with lithe and athletic and endlessly energetic, that looked good and got even better attention. So somewhere in our mid thirties or forties we decide to start dieting, and suddenly we enter a world of conflicting advice, of bizarre regimens and all sorts of attitudes. Some people say you shouldn’t touch carbs of any kind. Others say cut back on fat. Some say you can eat whatever you like as long as you exercise like crazy. Either way, they all advise a strict, almost inhumanly so approach to dieting. Is this the best approach? In this article I’m going to argue that no, the best approach isn’t strict adherence, but rather a flexible mindset.

Say you’re out in the supermarket, and it’s been a couple of weeks since you started your diet. You’ve being doing great, holding to your new eating patterns, and so you decide to reward yourself with a bag of cookies. Or worse yet, imagine it’s your boss’ party at the office, and he hands you a huge slice of cake and asks you to take a bite. Or horror of horros, imagine you go for a week vacation in Bali. Either way, you’re suddenly imperilling your diet.Say you eat the cookie, say you eat that slice of cake, say you go to Bali and have a ball and eat everything in sight.

What happens next? Most people collapse, their diets abandoned, reasoning that if they couldn’t hold to it there was no reason to continue. It’s an all or nothing approach, and they feel that having failed once, they no longer have the strength or ability to keep going, to persevere. This is obviously not the right way to go.

Rather, the best approach to dieting is to adopt a flexible and open mindset. Studies have shown that people who are flexible with their dieting tend to weigh less, show better ability to stick to their diets in the long run, and have less binge eating episodes. This is because they view their diet as a long term proposition, something that they can stick to and incorporate slips in without having to quit if they make a mistake. So what’s the best approach to dieting? How do you win? By simply being ready to slip and make mistakes and then get back on the saddle.

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